Free download media player classic

Binaries powered by MaxCDN. Site last updated on 16 July You have JavaScript disabled or your browser doesn't support it. Some features, like the navigation button, won't be available.

They may contain untested extra functionality. Use at your own risk. Warning You are using an outdated browser. Downloads Changelog FAQ About Help Contact us Bug reports Wiki.

You are using an outdated browser. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience. MPC-HC Toggle navigation Downloads Changelog FAQ About Help Contact us Bug reports Wiki Downloads Note Supported Operating Systems: An SSE capable CPU Currently, the latest stable build is v1. Expand All Close All Binaries For bit x86 Windows Installer 7z ZIP For bit x64 Windows Free download media player classic 7z ZIP Standalone Free download media player classic Standalone version of the DirectShow filters used inside of MPC-HC.

For use in other DirectShow software. Note, that LAV Filters aren't included in standalone filters. For bit x86 Windows 7z ZIP For bit x64 Windows 7z ZIP Source code GitHub repository: Nightly builds Warning Nightly builds are considered as unstable builds.

For bit x64 Windows 7z ZIP. Program Database files, which contain the debug symbols, needed to debug the builds. For bit x86 Windows MPC-HC Standalone filters. For bit x64 Windows MPC-HC Standalone filters. Nightly builds are considered as unstable builds.

Downloads Note Supported Operating Systems: An SSE capable CPU. Expand All Close All. For bit x86 Windows Installer 7z ZIP. For bit x64 Windows Installer 7z ZIP. Standalone version of the DirectShow filters used inside of MPC-HC. For bit x86 Windows 7z ZIP.

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