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Worksheet areaFile menuName box Formula bar RibbonQuick Access toolbar Zoom control View buttons Status bar Sheet tabs Q. What are the primary functions of the commands located on the File menu in the Excel Backstage View?

Conventions Used in This Book By convention, all the text entries that you type yourself appear in bold. Keep in mind, however, that the display of filename extensions may be turned off on your computer and, in that case, the filenames will appear free download excel for dummies 2010 file lists without their filename extensions as in Exercise and Spring Furniture Sales.

Click the File menu at the top of the menu, immediately above the Save option. Doing this selects the Options free download excel for dummies 2010 in the Backstage View, which in turn, opens the Excel Options dialog box in the regular worksheet view. This dialog box contains all free download excel for dummies 2010 options for changing the Excel program and worksheet options.

Thanks to Michael Weber for his thorough text review and great suggestions for improving and clarifying some of the more lengthy workbook exercises.

These options are divided into categories General through Trust Center. Click the Advanced button in the left pane to display all the Advanced options in the right pane. Next, scroll down to the Display Options for This Worksheet section and click the Show Page Breaks check box to remove its check mark before you click the OK command button to close the dialog box.

The exercises in this part are truly fundamental and are meant to give you a strong foundation in the basic features that all Excel users need to know. Please keep in mind that I designed the exercises in this workbook to work with my Excel companion books, Excel For Dummies and Excel All-In-One For Dummies Wiley. To facilitate this crossover usage, I have, wherever possible, used the same example files in the exercises of this workbook as you see illustrated and explained at length in these references.

Chapter 23 gives you the lowdown on what I consider to be the top ten features in Excel It contains the practice material that you need to complete most of its exercises as well as a series of feature demos that illustrate essential Excel features and to which you can refer before attempting the exercises that use them.

Hold down free download excel for dummies 2010 Shift key to scroll quickly through columns and rows by dragging the scroll box in the horizontal or vertical scroll bar.

To open, close, save, print, and share your Excel workbook files as well as to modify the Excel program options. What is the primary function of the Quick Access toolbar?

After working for a number of independent training firms, he went on to teach semester-long courses in spreadsheet and database management free download excel for dummies 2010 at Golden Gate University in San Francisco. His love of teaching has translated into an equal love of writing. For Dummies books are, of course, his all-time favorites to write because they enable him to write to his favorite audience, the beginner. They also enable him to use humor a key element to success in the training room and, most delightful of all, to express an opinion or two about the subject matter at hand.

Click New Tab Custom in the Main Tabs list box to select it and then click the Rename command button. Excel opens the Rename dialog box where you can replace the generic New Tab display name with a descriptive name. Replace New Tab by typing Misc for Miscellaneous in the Display Name text box and then select OK. Misc Custom now appears in the Main Tabs list box sandwiched between View and Developer.

After scrolling into view the region with the cell you want to select, you still need to click in the cell to select it. Use the Ctrl key in combination with any of the four arrow keys to jump from occupied cell to occupied cell in a particular direction.

Click Start on the Windows taskbar and then type exc in the Search box before you right-click Microsoft Excel at the top of the Start menu. Excel adds a program shortcut icon called Microsoft Excel to the desktop. You can then launch Excel by double-clicking this program shortcut on the Windows desktop. Free download excel for dummies 2010 the Microsoft Excel program shortcut icon to the Quick Launch toolbar and then drop this icon on to the bar some place in between its displayed buttons.

Greg recently received his doctorate degree in Humanities in Philosophy and Religion with a concentration in Asian Free download excel for dummies 2010 and Comparative Religion. Everyone is glad that Greg was finally able to get out of school before he free download excel for dummies 2010. Dedication To all my teachers, mentors, and guides who challenged me to learn more, do more, and give more. I am ever grateful. This time, preliminary thanks are in order to Andy Cummings and Katie Feltman for giving me this opportunity to write in this wonderful workbook format.

Figure shows you the Excel display free download excel for dummies 2010 as it first appears when you launch the program. Note the names of the different parts of the display screen before you perform Exercise Creating Spreadsheets Figure The Excel program window as it appears immedi- ately after launching the program.

You can keep your great finds in clipboards organized around topics. SlideShare Explore Search You. Excel workbook for dummies [dr. Show related SlideShares at end. Full Name Comment goes here. Are you sure you want to Yes No. Embeds 0 No embeds. No notes for slide. Excel lets you design forms, interact with corporate databases, interpret and present sales figures, and perform dozens of other tasks. The exercises in this workbook let you practice the techniques and learn by doing.

Macros and Visual Basic for Applications This part introduces you to the topic of creating and using macros to both streamline and customize your work in Excel. Chapter 21 introduces you to recording your actions as Excel macros and then playing them back in the worksheet. The Part of Tens Free download excel for dummies 2010 part gives you tips for using Excel on your own after you complete the exercises in this workbook.

Excel opens the Rename dialog box where you can replace the generic New Group name with your own descriptive name. Replace New Group by typing Data Form in Display Name text box and then selecting OK. Data Form Custom now appears as the sole group on the Misc custom tab in the Main Tabs list box.

As soon as you have these skills under your belt, you are well on your way to mastering Excel. The File menu contains all the File commands. Also, in place of the many toolbars in the pre-Excel versions, Excel offers a single toolbar called the Quick Access toolbar.

A template is a particular type of Excel file designed to automatically generate new workbooks that use both its data and formatting. Excel template files use the filename extension. Switch back to Book1 notice the change in the Excel program title bar and then close the workbook. Notice what happens to Book2 when you close Book1. Leave Book2 open for the next exercise. To switch back to Book2, click the Book2 free download excel for dummies 2010 or thumbnail on the taskbar so that Sheet1 of Book2 is selected.

Creating Spreadsheets Exercise Adding Commands to a Custom Tab In Exerciseyou get practice adding commands to the custom tab you added to the Ribbon in Exercise Before you start this exercise, make sure that the Excel Options dialog box free download excel for dummies 2010 still open with a Misc Custom tab appearing in the Main Tabs list box between View and Developer. Click the New Group Custom listing under Misc Custom in the Main Tabs list box to select it and then click the Rename button.

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You can take care of this by setting Excel to minimize the Ribbon each time you select one of its commands to display only the tab names. Click the Minimize the Ribbon button the one with the caret symbol to the immediate left of the help button with the question mark icon. Excel immediately minimizes the Ribbon to display only the seven tab names and the Minimize the Ribbon button changes to the Expand the Ribbon button indi- cated by the caret symbol pointing downward.

As soon as you drop the icon on the Windows Taskbar or Quick Launch toolbar, Windows pastes a copy of the Excel program shortcut on the toolbar. You can then launch Excel by clicking this Excel button on the Windows taskbar. Practice launching Excel by double-clicking the Excel program shortcut on the Windows desktop and then exiting the program. Then launch Excel again, this time by clicking the Excel button on the Windows taskbar. You can leave Excel running for Exercise Opening a New Workbook Each time you launch Excel using any method other than double-clicking an Excel workbook file icona new workbook containing three blank worksheets opens.

Excel closes the Backstage View and creates a new workbook file in the regular Worksheet View, indicated by Book2 in the program free download excel for dummies 2010 bar. Note the appearance of Book1 and Book2 program icons on the Windows taskbar. You can use either method to switch between open Excel workbook files. Excel closes Book2 and returns you to Book1. Note that the program would have prompted you to save changes to Book2 before closing it if you had made any data entries in the first worksheet of this workbook.

Each sheet in a workbook is automatically given the next available numeric name, such as Sheet1, Sheet2, free download excel for dummies 2010 the like, but you can easily replace these generic names with something descriptive: Double-click the tab you want to rename, type the new sheet name, and press Enter.

Moving the Cell Cursor to Unseen Parts of a Worksheet In Exerciseyou get practice moving the cell cursor to cells in the same worksheet that are not currently displayed on your screen. Move the cell cursor to cell C with the Name Box on the Formula Bar. Type c into the Name Box and then press the Enter key. Move the cell cursor to cell CA using the horizontal scroll bar. Free download excel for dummies 2010 down the Shift key as you drag the scroll box in the horizontal scroll bar to the right until column CA appears and then click cell CA to put the cell cursor in it.

Opening the Backstage View and Selecting Its Menu Commands In this exercise, you get familiar with the new Excel Backstage View and the commands on its File menu as you practice opening the Backstage View and selecting some of its menu commands. Make sure that Excel is running and an empty Sheet1 worksheet is active on your computer monitor see Chapter 2 free download excel for dummies 2010 you need information on launching Excel.

Excel opens the Save As dialog box in the regular worksheet view where you can modify the name, location, and type of Excel workbook file before saving a copy of it. Press the Esc Escape key on your keyboard to close the Save As dialog box. This time, small letters appear on each command in the Backstage View menu. These are the access keys that you can type to select a menu option rather than clicking its name or button.

The Misc tab is selected, displaying its sole Form button in free download excel for dummies 2010 single Data Form group. Click the Home tab to select it. Selecting Commands on the Quick Access Toolbar When you first start working with Excelthe Quick Access toolbar contains only the following three simple command buttons: Getting Familiar with the Excel Interface Customizing the Quick Access toolbar In addition to the three default command buttons, the Quick Access toolbar contains a Customize Quick Access Toolbar button the one with the line above a downward pointing triangle that, when clicked, opens a pull-down menu.

On your own, add the Calculator, Draw Borders, Speak Cells, Free download excel for dummies 2010 Cells — Stop Speaking Cells, Speak Cells by Columns, Speak Cells by Rows, and Speak Cells on Enter command options to the Quick Access toolbar. You may have to scroll down the list of command options in the Choose Commands From list box in order to select and add the Draw Borders, Form, and the different Speak Cells command options free download excel for dummies 2010 the Quick Access toolbar.

Chapter 19 gives you practice in doing various types of what-if analysis that enable you to look at different potential outcomes in the spreadsheet. Chapter 20 concentrates on training you in the use of pivot tables, a dynamic type of data table that you can use to summarize vast amounts of data.

Excel Workbook For Dummiesxii Part VII: Top Ten Tips for Using Excel Like a Pro. Introduction Excel is the most sophisticated spreadsheet program available in the world of personal computing. For free download excel for dummies 2010 of users the world over, Excel is also their free download excel for dummies 2010 forms designer, their interface to the corporate database, as well as their premier charting program. About This Book As its name suggests, Excel Workbook For Dummies is designed to give you the kind of hands-on experience with all the major aspects of the program you need free download excel for dummies 2010 start using the program for business or home with a certain degree of confidence and efficiency.

Move the cell cursor to cell AB18, type Stop free download excel for dummies 2010, and then press Home. This time, the cell cursor stops in cell AB18 rather than XFD18 because AB18 is now occupied. Both entries in cells A18 and AB18 are deleted and the cell cursor is back in the home cell, A1. Moving to a different sheet in the workbook Each new workbook you start uses the general Excel Worksheet template that automatically includes three blank worksheets that you can fill with data.

You can also use any of the following techniques to free download excel for dummies 2010 to new parts of the current worksheet: After scrolling to a new part of the worksheet in view, you still have to select a cell by clicking in it to set the cursor in it.

Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

A cell range is most often described by the reference of its first and last cell that is, the cell in the upper-left corner and the lower-right corner of its block, respectively.

The Excel Options dialog box with the Customize Ribbon option selected. Adding commands to groups on your custom tab After you add a custom tab to the Excel Ribbon, you can then start adding the commands you want to appear on this tab. Just as with the standard Ribbon tabs, the commands you add on your own custom tab are arranged in groups. When you first create a custom tab, it contains only a single, generic New Group Custom into which to add your commands. You can, however, add other groups to the custom tab using the New Group command button as well as give these groups free download excel for dummies 2010 own descriptive names using the Rename command button.

When you move the cell cursor to a cell, you, in essence, select that cell. If you were to refer to this cell in a formula on another worksheet, this cell would be designated as Sheet3!

Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following: Acquisitions, Editorial, and Media Development Project Editor: Linda Morris Acquisitions Editor: Katie Feltman Copy Editor: Linda Morris Technical Editor: Joyce Nielsen Editorial Manager: Jodi Jensen Media Development Project Manager: Laura Moss-Hollister Media Development Assistant Project Manager: Jenny Swisher Media Development Associate Producer: Josh Frank Editorial Assistant: Lynsey Stanford Layout and Graphics: Jacqui Brownstein, Rebecca Denoncour Free download excel for dummies 2010 Infodex Indexing Services, Inc.

All this corner-to-corner jumping happens because there are no occupied cells in a particular direction, so the cursor jumps right to the cell on each border of the worksheet. The cell cursor stops in cell A18 rather than A because A18 is now occupied with the label Stop.

Click the drop-down button on the Choose Commands Free download excel for dummies 2010 drop-down list box and then click the Commands Not in the Ribbon option on its drop-down menu. The Choose Command From list box now contains only command buttons that are not found on the various tabs of the Excel Ribbon.

Doing Data Analysis This part takes you to the next step of using the Excel spreadsheet by introducing you to two different kinds of data analysis.

Chapter 6 introduces you to formula-making just as Chapter 7 introduces you to the all-important topic of formula copying.

Feel free to work on the exercises in any order that feels comfortable and fits your learning needs. Creating Spreadsheets This part contains the most exercises of any in the workbook.

Click the Customize Quick Access Toolbar button and then click the Quick Print option. Excel adds the Quick Print button to the Quick Access toolbar that you can click to send the current worksheet to the printer. Use the same technique to add the New, Open, and Print Preview and Print command buttons to the Quick Access toolbar on your own. Using command options that appear in the Excel Options dialog box, you can add buttons for any of the commands that appear on the various tabs of the Ribbon as well as some Excel commands that remain completely unavailable until you add them to the Quick Access toolbar.

Leave the Book1 workbook with the renamed tab open for the next exercise. Selecting Cell Ranges When entering, editing, or formatting a single cell, all you have to do is move the cell cursor to it as you practiced in the earlier exercises. You can also enter the same data as well as do the same type of editing and formatting in a bunch of cells at one time, but to do so, you must first select the cells where all this is going to happen.

Most of the time when selecting multiple cells in a worksheet, you select a discrete block of cells of so many rows high and so many columns wide. Such a block is known as a cell range in the parlance of spreadsheet software.

Get More and Do More at Dummies. Now you can get the same great Dummies information in an App. Free download excel for dummies 2010 get information on all our Dummies apps,visit the following: Wiley, the Wiley Publishing logo, For Dummies, the Dummies Man logo, A Reference for the Rest of Us! All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. NEITHER THE PUBLISHER NOR THE AUTHOR SHALL BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES ARISING HEREFROM.

Click the File menu to switch to the Excel Backstage View and display the list of commands Info through Exit on the left side of this screen. Keep in mind that when you switch to the Backstage View when no workbook is open for editing in Excelthe program automatically selects the Recent menu command that displays a Recent Workbooks pane on the left with a list of recently opened workbook files and a Recent Places pane on the right with a list of file folders recently opened.

Moving the Cell Cursor Using the Ctrl and Arrow Keys In Exerciseyou get practice moving the cell pointer around a blank free download excel for dummies 2010 and between data entries with the Ctrl key and the arrow keys in Sheet1 of Book1.

For details on the CD-ROM and how to use its files, see the About the CD appendix. Icons Used in This Book Icons are sprinkled throughout the text of this workbook in high hopes that they draw your attention to particular features. Some of the icons are of the heads-up type, whereas others are more informational in nature: This icon free download excel for dummies 2010 the start of a question and answer section in the workbook.

Practice Moving the Cell Cursor to Different Sheets of the Same Workbook In Exerciseyou get practice moving the cell cursor to specific cells in different worksheets of the workbook named Book1, which should be open in Excel.

Click the Add button. Excel inserts a separator between the Print Preview and Print and Undo command options in the Customize Quick Access Toolbar list box. Use this same technique to add a Separator between the Redo and AutoFormat command options and the Form and Speak Cells command options in the Customize Quick Access Toolbar list box. Your customized Quick Access toolbar now contains four groups of command buttons created by the three Separator options that appear after the Print Preview and Print command option, Redo command option, and the Form command option.

It is made up of five chapters designed to give you practice in all the spreadsheet basics, all the way from starting Excel to editing a completed spreadsheet: Using Formulas and Functions This part gives you all the practice you need with creating and using formulas in the spreadsheet.

Next, you want to modify the order in which the command buttons appear on your customized Quick Access toolbar so that they appear in this order arranged in four groups: Click the New command option in the Customize Quick Access Toolbar list box to select it and then click the Move Up button the one with the black triangle pointing upward until New is the first command in this list four times.

This template is all set for you to start editing its values. Close the EventBudget1 workbook file. Excel returns you to your Book1 workbook file that you leave open for the next exercise. You can also create the new workbook and close the Available Templates panel in the Backstage View by double-clicking the desired template icon.

You can also color-code a sheet tab by right-clicking it, free download excel for dummies 2010 Tab Color on the shortcut free download excel for dummies 2010, and then selecting the color square on the pop-up palette. Of course, you must know how to move between the sheets in order to be able to add and edit data in them. You can also display more tabs by reducing the width of the horizontal scroll bar by dragging to the right the split bar that appears when you position the mouse pointer on the vertical bar at the beginning of the scroll bar.

Adding Excel Shortcuts to the Windows Desktop and Quick Launch Toolbar In Exerciseyou add the Microsoft Excel program icon to your Windows desktop and the Windows 7 taskbar the Quick Launch toolbar in earlier Windows versions and then launch Excel using each of these two methods: Excel closes and the Microsoft Excel program name is added to the Windows Start menu as a recently opened application.

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