Free download excel based games

Download the Connect 4 game for excel from the below attached link. Download Connect 4 for Excel Download Batman for Excel. Play your favorite Space Invaders on Microsoft Excel. This is a really free download excel based games game and you may spend hours playing this one.

Now run your helicopter on Excel free download excel based games. Download GMEX Copter Download Mortal Combat for Excel. Your mission is to destroy the bubbles which appears in your travel around the world. Go ahead and destroy them on Microsoft Excel. Download Pang for Excel Download Roller Coaster 2 for Excel. Share your favorite classic video game and if you know any source to find out some more games for excel. Safe, Easy and Fun Internet for Kids.

Microsoft Excel is used for data gathering, analysis and financial decision making purposes but you may play some cool games on this platform as well.

Installation of Winrar will not take more than 2 minutes. Sudoku game is zipped, so you can download WinZip in case your system is not having that. These games are build in flash and embedded on Excel. So you need free download excel based games player to play these games. If you are facing some problem in playing these games, then I would recommend you to install the latest flash player from below attached link. Our old friend Mario is on a mission to save princess.

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Now you can play this Super Mario on excel. Download this game from the link provided below:. Download Super Mario World. Update — Soccer game is not available at the source now. Here is the game of cricket that you can play inside excel sheet. Master Blaster Cricket is a full-fledged cricket game which can be played inside the excel sheet or spreadsheet. Download Soccer Download Master Blaster Cricket.

Download Sonic the Hedgehog. Now play this awesome game on spreadsheet. Update — As Simpsons is no longer available, you can play the famous and favorite Snake game inside the spreadsheet. Play the classic PacMan free download excel based games where you need to eat every points available on the screen. Nice game, even Google released one Doodle as well where you can play the PacMan game anytime.

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Unbelievable, Monopoly in a Excel spreadsheet. Thanks a lot for all the games, they all seem to be cool. Are there any alternates to microsoft exel to play this game? The Internet of Things IoT technology can be considered as an advanced technique that is free download excel based games the way we live in the 21st century.

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Download Space Invaders Download Spot the Difference. If you are a Sudoku lover free download excel based games solve some simple or complicated Sudoku puzzles on Microsoft Excel. Play this game by downloading the. Extract the file with WinZip download link provided in this post. XLS file in Excel to play the game. Play the heroic game of Batman to save Gotham. There are different levels in this game. Play Batman on Microsoft Excel. Update — As Battleships is no longer available, play the game Drunk Driving inside the spreadsheet.

Download Pac Man for Excel. Update — Golf excel file is not available. Here is the download link for Mini Pool game that you can play inside the spreadsheet. Golf lovers can play a mini golf on excel sheet. Download the below file and open it in excel sheet. Download Mini Golf Download Mini Pool. Play this multiplayer game to place the boxes carefully.

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It is a classic game where you have to destroy the enemy fleet. Now you can enjoy this awesome game on Microsoft Excel. Play with your own helicopter and run it without getting any problem.

Will download this now. Facebook Latest Posts 10 Interesting and Useful IoT Products You Must Try in Sanjeev Mishra February 21, The Internet of Things IoT technology can free download excel based games considered as an advanced technique that is changing the way we live in the 21st century.

Home About us Contact us. Also Check — Play Angry Bird Online for Free. Sanjeev Mishra is a professional blogger and an Internet Marketing Consultant based in India. He has built the Internet Techies to provide you updates in technology and web application area. Related Items excel free Free Downloads freeware games Microsoft. You may also like Document PDF Only Sharing and Text Formats on WhatsApp.

This is a really cool game. I am sure you will definitely going to love this one. This is not an original Sonic game but interesting.

Here is the list of 14 Cool Games which is available in Excel format. If you are not having Winrar installed on your computer then download it from the link provided below.

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