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Count visible rows in a filtered list. Count visible rows only with criteria. COUNTIFS with multiple criteria and OR logic. Group numbers into ranges with COUNTIFS. Running count of occurrence in list. Summary count by month with COUNTIFS. Summary count of non-blank categories. Summary count with COUNTIF. Summary count with percentage breakdown.

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Series of dates by year. DAY MONTH YEAR DATE. Add a line break with free download excel 2010 formula book formula. Add line break based on OS. Cell contains all of many things. Cell contains one of many things. Cell contains one of many with exclusions. Cell contains some words but not others.

Highlight rows that contain. Highlight rows with blank cells. Highlight rows with dates between. Highlight values greater than. Highlight values not between X and Y. Highlight values that don't exist. Shade alternating groups of n rows. ROW CEILING ISEVEN ISODD. Data validation allow numbers only. Data validation allow text only. Data validation allow uppercase only. Data validation allow weekday only. Data validation contains specific text. Data validation date in next 30 days.

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If cell contains one of many things. INDEX and MATCH with multiple criteria. Join tables with INDEX and MATCH. Lookup and sum column. Lookup last file version. Lookup up cost for product or service. Lookup with variable sheet name.

Copy value from every nth row. Count consecutive monthly orders. Count with repeating values. Course completion status summary. Course completion summary with free download excel 2010 formula book. Create array of numbers. Cube root of number. Extract unique items from a list. Fixed value every N months. Flag first duplicate in a list. Flip table rows to columns. Formula with locked reference. Get date associated with last entry. Get pivot table grand total.

Skip to main content. Training Videos Functions Formulas Shortcuts Blog. Count Count cells between dates. Count cells between two numbers. Count cells equal to. Count cells equal to case sensitive. Count cells equal to either x or y. Count cells equal to one of many things. Count cells greater than. Count cells less than. Count cells not equal to. Count cells not equal to many things.

Exact match lookup with INDEX and MATCH. Extract data with helper column. INDEX MATCH AND SUM. Extract multiple matches into separate columns.

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Get workbook path only. Indirect free download excel 2010 formula book range different sheet. Create email address from name. Create email address with name and domain. Get domain from email address. Get domain name from URL.

Highlight dates that are weekends. Highlight every other row. ISEVEN ISODD ROW MOD. Highlight multiples of specific value. Highlight row and column intersection free download excel 2010 formula book match.

Get pivot table subtotal. Get pivot table subtotal grouped date. Get value of last non-empty cell. Hyperlink to first blank cell. HYPERLINK CELL INDEX MATCH. Hyperlink to first match. Increment a calculation with ROW or COLUMN. Increment a number in a text string. Issue response time calculation. Leave a comment in a formula. Lookup last file revision. Free download excel 2010 formula book ISERROR MAX INDEX IF ROW.

Count cells not equal to x or y. Count cells that are blank. Count cells that are not blank. Count cells that begin with. Count cells that contain either x or y. Count cells that contain errors. Count cells that contain five characters. Count cells that contain negative numbers. Count cells that contain numbers. Count cells that contain odd numbers. Count cells that contain positive numbers. Count cells that contain specific text.

Calculate interest rate for loan. Calculate original loan amount. Calculate payment for a loan. Calculate payment periods for loan. Calculate principal for given period. Get full workbook name and path. Get sheet name only. Get workbook name and path without sheet. Get workbook name only.

Display the current date and time. Extract date from a date and time. Extract time from a date and time. Get age from birthday. Get date from day number. Get day from date. Get day name from date. Get days before a date. Get days between dates. Get days between dates ignoring years. Get days, hours, and minutes between dates. Get days, months, and years between dates. Get first day of month. Get first day of previous month.

Count cells that contain text. Count cells that do not contain. Count cells that do not contain errors. Count cells that end with. Count if row meets internal criteria. Count if row meets multiple internal criteria. Count if two criteria match. Count items in list. Count long numbers without COUNTIF. Count matches between two columns. Count multiple criteria with NOT logic. Count numbers that begin with. Count occurrences in entire workbook. Count rows that contain specific values. Count rows with multiple OR criteria.

Count sold free download excel 2010 formula book remaining. Count total matches in two ranges. Count unique numeric values in a range. Count unique numeric values with criteria. Count unique text values in a range. Count unique text values with criteria. FREQUENCY MATCH ROW SUM. Count unique values in a range with COUNTIF.

Partial match with VLOOKUP. Position of first partial match. Position of max value in list. Related info for max value in range. Sum lookup values using SUMIF. Sum range with INDEX. Two-way lookup with INDEX and MATCH. Two-way lookup with VLOOKUP. VLOOKUP from another sheet. VLOOKUP from another workbook. VLOOKUP with 2 lookup tables. VLOOKUP with multiple critiera. VLOOKUP with numbers and text. VLOOKUP with two client rates.

INDEX SMALL IFERROR ROW COLUMNS. Extract multiple matches into separate rows. INDEX SMALL IFERROR ROW ROWS. Faster VLOOKUP with 2 VLOOKUPS. Find lowest n values. First match in range with wildcard. Get address of lookup result. Get employee information with VLOOKUP. Get first match cell contains. Get first non-blank value in a list. Get first text value in a list. Get first text value with HLOOKUP. INDEX MATCH MAX ROW.

Time difference in hours as decimal value. Total hours that fall between two times. Year is a leap year. Series of dates by day. Series of dates by month. DAY MONTH YEAR DATE EOMONTH. Series of dates by weekends. Series of dates by workdays.

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