Free cover letter template download

Here are tips for saving your cover letter document file. There are letter templates for cover letters, resignation lettersreference lettersthank you letters, interview lettersand a free cover letter template download of business letters. Microsoft Word Resume Templates Microsoft resume templates are available as a free free cover letter template download for Microsoft Word users to use to create a resume.

Free Microsoft cover letter templates are available online from Microsoft Office Online, as a download for Microsoft Word users, or are available within your Word program, to use to create cover letters for jobs. Using these templates can help you feel confident that you are properly writing and formatting your cover letter.

Microsoft Word resume options include basic resumes, job-specific resumes, and career-specific resumes. Not all templates may work with all versions of Word, so free cover letter template download before you download.

Once you have downloaded or opened a cover letter template filetype over the text in the file to create your own, personalized cover letter. The template will include all the relevant information you need to include in your document. Simply change the generic version to include your personal and professional information. It's a good idea to include additional details about your qualifications and experience.

There will be a message next to the download button advising if there are restrictions. Search the site GO. Updated November 03, Get Daily Money Tips to Your Inbox Email Address Sign Up. There was an error. Please enter a valid email address. Personal Finance Money Hacks Your Career Small Business Investing About Us Advertise Terms of Use Privacy Policy Careers Contact.

A template will give you a "fill in the blank" format you can use to create your own letter to use to send with your resume to apply for a job.

There are a variety of templates available for Microsoft Word. Template options include general cover letters and both job- and career-specific cover letter samples. Once you find a template you like, click Edit In Browser, then follow the instructions to customize and save your cover letter. There are also sets, which include matching resumes and free cover letter template download letters, available to use.

Take the time to match your qualifications to the job description. Double-check to make sure there is none of the template information left in your final saved version.

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